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03/2015 Women’s Art Exhibitions in West Berlin in the 1970s and 1980s: lecture on behalf of Barnard College, New York hosted by Studio AEDES, Berlin
01/2015  Künstlerinnen international 1877-1977 and Das Verborgene Museum in Berlin:  lectures on moments of feminist intervention in museum-based exhibition space for the Berlin museum history association (Richard-Schöne-Gesellschaft für Museumsgeschichte e.V.)
11/2014 Neubesetzungen des Kunst-Raumes: lecture series on feminist art exhibitions and exhibition spaces at the Inselgalerie, Berlin
08/2014  The International Exhibition ‘Kvindeudstellingen pa Charlottenborg’ in Copenhagen 1975 and the Idea of Feminist Art Space: presented at the    European of Network of Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies Conference, Helsinki University, Finland
03/2014  Grabe, wo Du stehst! Das Verborgene Museum: lecture on the representation of women artists in Berlin museum collections for the Berlin Catholic Women’s Association (Katholische Frauenbund)
11/2013 Neubesetzungen des Kunst-Raumes: book presentation on feminist art exhibitions and exhibition spaces (1972-1987) for the fine arts association nGbK Berlin